Happy Feet, Happy Runner


Often, our feet are the last to know. Our bodies might ache. There could be a change in our gait. Maybe a tweak in the knee. Then, you stop to consider that those shoes might be spent. The average running shoe can go about 300-500 miles before it needs to be replaced. It’s a good idea to track how much mileage that you are putting on your kicks and make notes on how your body is feeling, especially at the end of the replacement time. If you are noticing aches, pains, and even a slower training time, you might benefit from changing out your shoes sooner. Every runner will vary. Check out some of the apps that will help you track your shoe usage. Shoe replacement might seem aggravating up front but missing a run because of an injury will be worse. Run happy by remembering your feet. ~trvw

Apps to consider:
27 Apps Every Runner Should Know About