Back to Fall

Blame the grasshoppers and crickets for telling everyone that summer has come to a close. They’ve told the kids to get back to class and the retailers to put out Halloween candy already. I was perfectly content with being oblivious to the signs of the season change and riding out summer for a few more weeks, or months for that matter. If you are having trouble adjusting to the flip of the calendar then you are not alone. Often times proper nutrition and fitness start to slip and turn into bad habits or become non-existent. Fight it. Don’t let those bags of holiday candy find a regular cozy corner in your shopping cart.

~Stay focused on making sure that you and your family are keeping healthy snacks around. You will grab those if you have them.

~Pick a fall event to walk or run as a family and plan to train for it. Knowing that you will need to be fit to finish will encourage you to at least maintain an exercise program.

~Get your pets out and play fetch or take a walk. Your buddy often gets shuffled aside in schedule changes but if you include them in staying moving and getting some fresh air you will both feel better!

Keep at it, because Physical Matters!!!