5 Tips to Get Back On The Workout Saddle

runoutside1It can happen to anybody and it is ok! Oprah admitted to falling off the workout wagon. Many people experience a break in their workout routine and more than once.  Some are just short breaks and others are months on end of little to no physical activity.  Stop making excuses and get back into a routine.  Here’s a few tips to get you going.

1. Quit Cold Turkey – with the excuses.  The time that you put into thinking about why you stopped working out, you could be out walking.

2. Dust off the log – if you had a workout log/journal then get it back out. Reviewing your accomplishments will remind you of the great achievements you gained.  Start a brand new one and be loyal to jotting a few quick notes about your fitness and use it to keep you committed.

3. Keep your focus – when you have a goal do what you have to do to get it. Stick up inspirational pictures and quotes that push and keep you on track.

4. Shut out the noise – negative suggestions come from everywhere.  You, friends, family, even strangers and negative suggestions are not always intended.  Be bull-headed towards getting your goal and ignore the donut pushers and the workout time stealers.

5. Accept the truth – remember that you are human. Life gets busy and sometimes we make poor choices.  Move on! Don’t dwell on why you messed up, just move forward. Get the workout routine back on track because it’s important to be healty. 

Get your body in condition so you can play outside or bend over to simply tie your shoes! Fitness is for everyone – the thin, the thick, and the in between.  It is not about obtaining a body that is too muscle maxed or super skinny mini, but having a fit, functional figure. -pm