Nix Chapped Lips

lip-balmThe cold, dry weather is hard on everything.  Dry lips are easy to fix with all the fun, tasty options on the market.  Lip care isn’t just for the ladies; guys there are several non-glossy formulas to remedy your chapped chops too. Listed below are a few good choices to try.

Chapstickis one of the classic selections for guys and girls.  Not glossy, smooth formulas, and a variety of flavors.

Merry Hempster is a good organic choice that you can find in most health food stores. Also a balm that’s genderless.

EcoLips has vegan and energy formulas.  Fun for something different.

Nivea Kiss of Shine is a squeezy tube for gals that like a hint of color, super gloss, and lasting moisture.

Alba Botanica has a gloss and balm made using organic ingreadients and have really tasty tropical flavors.

Neutrogena Moisture Shine offers a SPF 20 cooling gel that feels good without tasting like medicine.

Carmex and Blistex are good standbys that have branched out with a variety flavors and formula to suit everybody.

Keep them with you all the time to keep the lip crusties away. They’re a fun way to protect your lips and shine your smile. -pm

2 Replies to “Nix Chapped Lips”

  1. I’ve been wondering when you were going to blog about this topic… 😉 I’m surprised it took this long!

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