5 Reasons to Welcome Fall

Fall is pushing summer away. Festivals are every weekend and the days of tank tops and flip flops are becoming only memories. Although I love the hot summer season, it would be shameful to ignore the beautiful things that fall brings with it.

Many people love fall for the mild temperatures. Others love it for football, and some love it because the academics are back in full swing. Whatever the reason, you can’t deny that fall has a special magic about it. Here are my top 5 best things about fall.

1. Colorful nature trails – the way that the leaves change can only be appreciated by taking a stroll through a park or trail. Watching nature morph with each season sort of mystifies me.

2. My birthday – As much as I long to be a beach bunny, I may as well be excited for autumn if  a celebration of my existence is involved.

3. Wardrobe change – What better excuse to get new threads than a change in temperature?

4. Fall marathons – Train in the summer heat and a fall race will be a runner’s treat.

5. The beginning of the holiday season – Starting the holiday season is exciting, even if it overwhelms you into a silly tizzy. It’s full of hope and giving.

Maybe those are not the very best reasons for fall but they’re a few of the better ones. What do you like about fall? Do you have any special memories about autumn? Write in and share your moments and thoughts. Peace. -pm

2 Replies to “5 Reasons to Welcome Fall”

  1. In Australia, October is late spring, so you could celebrate your existence in warm weather there.

    For me, one great thing about fall is being able to run without the summer heat. I love warm weather, but I run better in the snow than in a humid furnace.

  2. I like light jacket weather. I’ve always been more comfortable in loose clothing, and fall seems to be the best time of the year to wear it! I also get pumped for the fall season and for Halloween, which is why I redesigned my blog for the month of October.

    Also, I’m not a runner, but I plan on becoming one over the course of the next year. And what you’re saying about running in fall marathons sounds awesome. I can’t wait!

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