The Gym Is Where Your Heart Pumps


It might surprise many when I suggest that you don’t go to a gym. Read closely, don’t GO to a gym. DO make a home gym where you can workout anytime you like. Gyms have their benefits. They own and maintain bulky equipment, they have trainers on-site, classes where you can sweat it out together. However, the benefits of having access to fitness equipment at home might fit into your lifestyle better. You don’t have to fuss with packing a change of clothes, you can put the drive time into the workout, no waiting for the elliptical or the 10 lb. bells, less self-consciousness, and more money in your pocket to put toward your own equipment.  Many people have a tight schedule and excess time to workout is valuable. Putting the fitness arena in the place you go everyday is probably going to be used more than if it’s across town from where you rarely want to go. ~trvw