Koach Kesta Using Wellness To Cope

If you’ve been out of school for any length of time, it can be surprising to run into someone that you graduated with. Some are fortunate to turn into swans and others have let late nights and fast food take over their bodies. It can be a rude awakening when the skinny kid suddenly has to learn the importance of diet and exercise. Others have battled the bulge since adolescence and fight it well into adulthood.

Kesta, better known as Koach Kesta, recognized as a young adult that she needed to get her weight in check. Even though she took measures early in her life to get healthy, like many people she faced a roller-coaster of successes and frustrations. Finding a lifestyle of wellness helped her cope and become more balanced. She found running gave her energy and confidence.  Kesta not only runs for herself but helps others reach their running goals, too.

Koach Kesta turned her passion for living healthier into a way to help other people. She is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a Certified Running Coach through the Lydiard Foundation. Kesta also has her BBA in Management from Evangel University. Learn more about how she can help you reach your wellness goals at her website. Then to share your story contact me at trina@trinarachelle.com to tell me how you are Using Wellness To Cope. ~trvw