GRITbecause…Habit, naturally.

Most people are more of a morning person or night owl. My life has been an early to bed, early to rise situation more so than burning the midnight oil. Now, it would seem nice to say that it’s natural for me but if I think about it, it’s more habitual than anything. As a little tike, my mother would get me and my sister up and at ’em so she could have us ready for school before the kids that she babysat for came over. Then, years later when she went back to a brick and mortar building to work, she had an early shift so we were up before daybreak so we could be dressed and ready to catch the school bus before she had to leave. After that,  sports practices before the bell rang, early college classes, and so on were reasons that kept me a “morning person” if you will. While it would be great that it was perfectly innate that I like to get up early, I must give some credit to the discipline of habit. Like so many things in our lives, we create good habits and we can create terrible habits. Either way, the power lies within to design a habitual pattern that plays in our favor. ~trvw