We had dogs growing up, but they were mostly outside dwellers. I ultimately dreamed of a cuddly creature that curled up with me on the couch, take walks with me, and truly fit the description of a lap dog. When I was on my own I missed the companionship of the family pets. I decided to get my very own dog. The bond was deep and the lessons precious. When a four legged fur friend can teach love, compassion, kindness, and more without saying a word, there’s an appreciation for the messages sent back and forth during the kinship. My dogs have taught me that there’s no shame in showing affection, that grudges are a waste of time, that playtime is important, that treats are something to get very happy about, it’s ok get excited when someone you love walks in the door, and most of all my dogs have shown me that love and loyalty is worthy of giving and worthy of being received.