A Chronic Season

If you’re familiar with the weather in the Midwest, you know that we experience all four seasons. They’re beautiful, too. But, I hate winter. I shouldn’t blame winter per se, but anytime the temperatures become bone-chilling then I am an unhappy camper. Being cold is bad enough but then there’s the layering that comes along with the attempt to keep warm. This might not be an issue for most people, but if your range of motion is hindered by JRA and cold weather, getting dressed and undressed becomes a miserable chore. If it weren’t so darn frustrating, uncomfortable, and painful at times, it would be comical. A grown gal stuck in her turtleneck is laughable on many levels.

It would be nice to escape to a dry, warm land but that would require traveling and that hurts too.  Hibernating seems great in theory but JRA people know that it hurts to sleep for very long. So that pretty much leave waiting it out because spring will arrive and bring it’s warmer, joint friendly temperatures with it. Cantankerous weather is much like a flare in that it will pass eventually. Until then, you cope because it’s chronic. ~trvw