Great Escape

floatingbookThe weekend is approaching and so are longer days and warmer weather. The dull, drab days are almost behind us and crisp, breezy mornings are on the rise. A lot of people feel the need to escape the daily pressures of life no matter what the weather is like outside. It’s good for the soul to escape, change pace. What are your options for getting away, when in reality, you can’t just fly away every time the mood strikes?

Personally physical activity is one of my favorites. Walking or a bike ride lets my mind think and my eyes see from another perspective. Another good one is reading. Reading was not always a favorite pastime for me. After years of reading what I had to for school, I did as little reading as possible for recreation.  I have always been a slow reader so by the time I got through the required reading, I had little interest in trying to read for fun. With the right enticement a good author will catch my attention and I can get lost in a great story. It’s a fantastic way to escape. My emotions get to come alive in a private world where nothing really changes but I’m envisioning and feeling another life.

Picking a good fiction story is hard for me. I prefer quick, easy reads – usually non-fiction. However, I keep trying to find stories that let me escape. Stories that I look forward to reading and where I find it hard to put down the book. Next time you want to escape, don’t forget how powerful our minds are and that a great book might give you the escape you need. If you have a hard time picking out books, don’t be afraid to try a variety. Try mystery, short stories, or a collection of poetry. Don’t let the way it’s categorized affect your selection either. Two of the books I recently read were written by writers who’s books were filed in the young adult section. Hey, if my escape is fun and youthful than so be it. -pm

Here are a few suggestions:

Miss Popularity by Francesco Sedita

Privileged (Former title How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls) by Zoey Dean

Introduction by Trina VerSteeg Wilcox