5 Steps to Weigh Right Now

jumpThe title “Weigh Right Now” was better than “Weigh Less Now”. It’s best to weigh what is right for you. It may mean weighing more for some people, less for others, or maintaining for another group. Making a lifestyle change requires goals, action, and motivation helps too. Many people get discouraged because the results take a while to achieve. However, you can have some instant gratification. Decide to commit to improve and start living now to weigh right, now!

Don’t look at how much weight you need to gain or lose to make your goal, not if it discourages you. Get excited that you are beginning at this very moment to research, commit, and revise your lifestyle. When you take steps to reach your goals then it makes it easier to keep going. Even small steps are steps. Feel good now, not x # of pounds from now. 

Make the most of the life and body that you have today and do everything you can to make it better in the days to come. Study up on how other people make lifestyle changes – I’ll be posting a motivating lifestyle story Tuesday. In the meantime here are 5 steps that help you weigh right, now!

1. Write down your goals

2. Read tips on how other people make change

3. Schedule your next exercise appointment – plan it somewhere in the next 3 days.

4. Recruit support – get someone to cheer you on. Cheer them on too.

5. Act now! Don’t finish the junk food – toss it out…Now.

Changing how you structure your lifestyle is not a bad thing. Some people progress with smaller steps and others like a big overhaul. Try different things, but remember you are trying to make a change that you can keep up. If it’s miserable then you won’t commit. You want to change so you can have a happier, fun life. The change doesn’t have to be a boring, waiting game. Get going now. -pm


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