Surprise!!! Motivation to Weigh Right Now!

melindaIn the last post titled Weigh Right Now I suggested that one way to keep motivated was to study up on how other people make life changes.  This is a picture of Melinda. Don’t let the adorable smile fool you, she is not a model or advertising for any products. It’s merely a photo of her progress. I’ve known Melinda for several years and she’s always enjoyed being active.  We’ve cycled together and been on nature walks, too. Like many young women she faced obstacles to stay on the fitness track as she went about living her life.

The details of life, including moving, injuries, budgets, and work, created  issues that sometimes got in the way of a fitness routine. Melinda was determined to get fit for a healthy life. She is the kind of person that likes to be healthy so she can do the activities that she enjoys, not to be the skinnest girl in the room.

When Melinda e-mailed her picture titled “Surprise”, I could feel her enthusisam. I asked her if I could use the picture in hopes to encourage other people. I have also asked her to share some notes with readers about her weightloss. Her scheldule is pretty packed, workouts are a priority – but she promises to share some of her tips soon. She keeps saying, “I feel great!” I want other people to feel the same excitement.

If you have questions for Melinda about her success please e-mail If you have suggestions that have worked for you please share. Inspiration is for every body! -pm

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