Work For Your Health

We spend a of time at work, working, “earning our keep”. The happier you are at your job, the more likely your health is to thrive overall. Finding a passion that pays the bills can be a challenge, but might also be the healthiest thing you will ever do for yourself.

When you find the work that suits you, not only will it seem like you are hardly ever “working” but you will exude positive energy that you can build upon. A tired, depressed employee lacks the desire to be innovative and merely drags through the day. A happy, respected co-worker will be eager to create and deliver above and beyond.

Whether you are a manager or subordinate, creating and operating in a  nurturing environment will encourage a healthy and happy lifestyle. If your job is lacking in fulfilling your needs (yes, a healthy lifestyle is a necessity) start forming a plan to get out of there and seek, until you find, a place where you are happy to call your job “work”. ~trvw