Race Report for the Polar Bear Run

Hosted by: Roy Blunt YMCA of Bolivar

Timing service: ActNow Racing

Weather: Cloudy with severe thunderstorms in the area 16+ mph winds, 48° F 

Route: Campus start and finish, rural roads. 

Race date: Saturday, March 9, 2019 (rescheduled from 2-16-19)

Start time: 9 AM

Race distance: 5K or 10K (2 loops)

Many runners decided not to weather the severe storms, However, a few did participate. A fellow runner reported that conditions were very wet, puddles created slick terrain in areas, and that it was unfortunate that the rescheduled run was a bit spoiled by the thunderstorms. The proceeds benefit a water safety program for youth, a great cause. Hopeful that Bolivar gets a nice day for the race next year. Happy running! ~trvw